Case Study: Field House, Bumblebee Lane

Delivering Sustainable Drainage Solutions for Complex Drainage Design

Our experienced engineers here at Onn Point were tasked with a challenging drainage design project focused on managing both surface water and foul effluent on-site for a luxury property development. The project required a solution that would minimise environmental impact, comply with regulations, and address the unique conditions of the site. 

We worked closely with the client to develop a comprehensive drainage strategy that included a comprehensive sustainable urban drainage system design to ensure both surface water and foul effluent were effectively managed. 

Drainage Condition:

The site presented several challenges, including the need to manage both surface water runoff and foul effluent in a way that met local regulations and environmental standards. The first task involved a series of site tests, including infiltration testing in accordance with BRE 365 and BS 6279 standards.  

The ground conditions were suitable for infiltration techniques, but the design still needed to account for the potential for surface water flooding, especially in the event of high-intensity rainfall. 

Additionally, foul effluent management was a key concern, as the wastewater needed to be directed to a treatment plant, and then to a field drain. Surface water management posed particular challenges due to the need to handle large volumes of runoff in a sustainable way. In order to balance the need for stormwater management with the site’s physical constraints, we devised a creative, environmentally sensitive approach. 

Design Package  

Our design solution included both surface water and foul effluent management strategies, creating an innovative drainage system tailored to the unique needs of the site.  

Following the infiltration testing, we proposed the use of a sustainable drainage strategy that included an infiltration pond designed to manage runoff from a 1-in-100-year storm event. To account for the potential effects of climate change, we incorporated an additional 40% contingency into the system.  

Additionally, we managed foul effluence by designing a system that routed the wastewater to a treatment plant and then to a field drain, ensuring compliance with environmental standards while minimising impact on local waterways. The solution effectively reduced the amount of water entering surrounding watercourses, helping to protect the local environment.  

We also implemented a natural pool that slowed runoff rates to address surface water challenges, allowing for effective water management. This design not only met all regulatory requirements but also demonstrated our commitment to sustainable and environmentally conscious engineering. 

Explore the magnificent property below.  

Minimising Environmental Impact with Effective Water Management 

By successfully managing both surface water and foul effluent within the site’s constraints, we minimised the environmental impact and ensured full compliance with regulatory standards.  

Our innovative approach to sustainable urban drainage system design and flood management strategies will continue to guide us in future projects, helping us to even more sustainable solutions. 

Get in touch with our drainage design consultants today to discover what we can do for you and your project!  

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