Case Study: Banbury Street, Takle

Drainage Strategy Suitable for planning:

Onn Point were appointed by a local architect to assist their client with their planning conditions relating to drainage.

Drainage Condition:

Prior to the commencement of development, details of a sustainable surface water drainage scheme and a foul water drainage scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage schemes created by our drainage design consultants must include:

1. An investigation of the hierarchy of drainage options in the National Planning Practice Guidance (or any subsequent amendment thereof). This investigation shall include evidence of an assessment of ground conditions and the potential for infiltration of surface water in accordance with BRE365;

2. (A restricted rate of discharge of surface water agreed with the local planning authority (if it is agreed that infiltration is discounted by the investigations);

3. Levels of the proposed drainage systems including proposed ground and finished floor levels in AOD; (iv) Incorporate mitigation measures to manage the risk of sewer surcharge where applicable; and (v) Foul and surface water shall drain on separate systems.

Design Package:

Ground conditions were investigated and a full drainage design package was produced along with supporting soakaway design calculations, construction details and maintenance strategy. The sustainable drainage strategy successfully met the stringent planning conditions and contributed towards the preservation of local ecosystems, while minimising the project’s environmental impact.

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